
for mult-hands piano

The score of Variations for Multi-Hands Piano can be purchsed from Sheet Music Plus.
A recording of this piece can be heard on YouTube.

This set of six variations is based on theme made only of chords. The theme is quiet, simple and almost atmospheric. It doesn’t even seem to have a clear sense of direction. Yet as different variations begin adding different styles and characters, the theme becomes different types of music. In some variations, the audience might even forget that they are still hearing the same basic chords

This piece was composed for the Hsing Tian choir of Kaohsiung. All of the choir members wanted to participate in the premiere performance, but not all of them are pianists. This meant that some of the parts had to be very easy to play. Also, in order to allow all members to play on a single piano, the piece is written so that any number of players can take turns performing it on either one, or two pianos.

(performance time ca. 7' 15")

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